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Skin Health By Design
Clinical Esthetics in Spa Style

We blend clinical esthetics, science and indulgent spa treatments. The skincare line I use in treatment is Naturally harvested exotic botanicals united with unique and highly effective Vitamins, Minerals, Antioxidants, Herbs, and highly concentrated Natural Nutrients to protect and improve the appearance, texture and luminosity of your skin. While honoring the harmony and balance essential to good health.

Special Offerings

My Signiture Facial
This is simply the best, this skin health treatment includes Enzyme Peel, High Frequency, Ultrasonic,and Microdermabraison for those of you that want it all. This treatment will, digest dead skin cells, restore the cell's natural electric charge,reduce redness and buff away the outer skin layer.
(90 min)  $150.00

Oxygen Therapy Treatment
For our skin to function properly, it must have an abundant supply of oxygen. Studies show that oxygen increases the performance of skin cells. Improved skin cells, will help enhance the production of collagen and elastin. The theory of topical oxygen is based upon the idea that, oxygen increases skin cell metabolism. Typical oxygen improves the function of the skin and reduces recovery time. New skin rises up at an accelerated rate, as skin cell metabolism is boosted. The treatment includes, skin analysis, detoxifiying mask understeam, oxygen therapy, massage, serum, mask, finishing face and eye crème.
(70 min)  $140.00

NuFace Microcurrent Treatment
"Roll out the red carpet." Hollywood celebrity secret to flawless, camera ready skin.
Microcurrent can help reshape muscle by lifting and tightening the face and body. It also promotes the regeneration of muscle tissue, helps increase cellular functions, accelerates wound-healing and increases blood and lymphatic flow. This treatment includes a cleanse, skin analysis, serum, mask, finishing moisturizer and eye crème.
(70min)  $135.00

Microdermabrasion Facial
Tiny crystals gently, yet effectively buff away outer layers of the skin. acne scarring, fine lines and other skin imperfections benefit dramatically from this treatment. Cleanse skin, analysis, Intense moisturizing masks and cool globe balls insure a baby soft, glowing skin.

Facial (60mins.)   $135.00
Just Micro (30mins.)  $89.00  With mask and facial massage
Add on to any Facial (15mins.)  $40.00 (sorry no add ons to express facial)

Ultrasonic Facial
This indulgent treatment is gentle, non-invasive, safe and suitable for all skin types. This skin refining treatment utilizes mild electrical current which is a technique to restore the cell's natural electric charge. The ultrasonic device is lightly stroked over the skin creating a slight pulsing sensation. Helps to normalize the electric current within the cells, promoting healing and the regeneration of new skin a slight pulsing sensation. Helps to normalize the electric current within the cells, promoting healing and the regeneration of new skin cells. This treatment includes, skin analysis, enzyme peel, serum, mask, finishing face and eye crème.
(60min)   $105.00

Let There be Light Treatment
LED is a safe, non-invasive and non-thermal treatment. Using red light, plumps the skin, repairs sun damage, improves elasticity and texture, prevents and reduces fine lines and wrinkles. Red light also has anti-aging properties, promoting collagen and elastin as well as has anti-inflammatory properties.
(60 mins.) - $125.00

Customized Facial
Your face is beautifully unique, and so is this facial.  In classic European-style, this treatment employs a wide range of products suited to your individual skin needs, this facial will leave you cleansed, exfoliated, nourished and radiant.                  
(60min)  $115.00     

"C" the Difference Anti-Aging Facial
A facial designed for skin that's dehydrated, environmentally damaged or lacks luster. This specially chosen combination of products uses Vitamin C and other natural ingredients to leave your skin feeling and looking more youthful with a radiant, firmer complexion.
(60min)   $105.00  

Purifying Treatment Facial
Stress, Hormones, and Geneticists can reek havoc on your skin.  A clarifying Facial is specifically created for your skin type. This treatment includes a cleanse, skin analysis, enzyme treatment, extractions, high frequency, treatment mask, moisturizer and eye crème. Great for skin with breakouts or skin in need of a detox treatment.
(60min)  $105.00

Lavender & Honey Collagen Facial
A relaxing & moisturizing treatment for dry and mature skin. This treatment includes a cleanse, skin analysis, serum, honey collagen mask, honey moisturizer and eye crème.  Great for dry/mature skin.
(60min)   $95.00    

Let It Glow
Enzyme Peel and Microdermabrasion, Glow bright with this quick treatment, digest and buff away the dead skin cells to reveal a newer fresher looking skin. Not for sensitive skin types. Cleanse, Peel, Micro, Finish Crème & Sunscreen.
(Up to 30 min) $95.00

River Rock Facial Massage
This deluxe treatment improves upon a traditional facial by incorporating massage with heated basalt and cool marble stones. After cleansing, exfoliation, and extraction, the face is then massaged with alternating hot and cold stones. Cold stones relax and tone muscles and reduce puffiness, congestion, and inflammation. Hot stones rapidly stimulate the nervous system to increase blood and lymph circulation, which helps repair damaged cells and improve the skin's appearance. Following the facial massage, an appropriate mask is applied to hydrate, repair, and renew the skin. This fabulous treatment improves circulation and lymphatic drainage, invigorates cellular renewal, and re-balances the root cause of skin conditions, leaving you with clean, revitalized and luminous skin with a more refined texture and vibrant, healthy glow.
(50min)   $95.00

The Have It All Facial
When one is not enough, try out Oxygen Therapy, Microdermabrasion, LED, Ultrasonic, High Frequency, Customized and River Rock Facial all in one. You could not ask for more.
(120 min)   $200.00

Enzyme or Corrective Peels
High-performance skin refining treatment designed to promote the rapid release of dry dead skin cells that cause a poor surface texture and dull complexion color, help keep pores clear and over time diminish the appearance of hyperpigmentation. Starts with a cleanse and skin analysis, enzyme or corrective peel sunscreen, and eye crème.
Glow on the go treatment!                  

(up to 30min) Enzyme Peel                  $55.00
                    PCA Corrective Peels       $100.00

Facial Preformed By Cheryl Atkins LE

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